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  I cant send mails in ASP  kanak_soni at 06:45 on Saturday, April 08, 2006

I know the code for sending mails in ASP

set objCDONTS=server.createobject("CDONTS.NewMail")
set objCDONTS=Nothing
but the problem is that I dont know where this mail will be stored and how to get back in table. Please help me out urgently.

  Re: I cant send mails in ASP  ASP-Dev at 12:09 on Tuesday, April 18, 2006


How r u.
i m new 2 this group. hope it would b helpful 4 me and others.

just write the same code in an asp page and save it under

now open ie and write http://localhost/that_file_name.asp in the addressbar.

i know that this is 101% correct.

any props then pls revert back 2 me.


  Re: I cant send mails in ASP  kanak_soni at 07:29 on Saturday, April 22, 2006

I know this and even i have done the same thing but my problem is that i dont know where my mail is being saved or you can say that where it is stored. Pls help me out i want to complete my project. Pls.

  Re: I cant send mails in ASP  ASP-Dev at 07:34 on Saturday, April 22, 2006


for this u need to configure your smtp services then only u'll b able 2 send mails.


  Re: I cant send mails in ASP  kanak_soni at 16:55 on Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hi how r u? Even I ocured the same problem while doing my project. The first thhing you need to do is configure cdonts.dll file. Then your mails will be stored at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mail in this folder is stored by a unique number.

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