I'm having this problem with the "header" on my web page. I just started working with CSS and SSI this week and thought I had the hang of things until now. Here's the deal...
In my Index.asp, I have an SSI:
<!--#include virtual="/TEST/Rico3/Header.html"-->
The code for my Header.asp file is:
<TD ROWSPAN=2><IMG SRC="/forum/images/Logo.jpg" WIDTH=379 HEIGHT=77 ALT=""></TD>
<TD ROWSPAN=2 background="/forum/images/pixel_stretch.jpg" HEIGHT=77 WIDTH="100%" class="stretch"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN=3><IMG SRC="/forum/images/Solid_BG.jpg" WIDTH=199 HEIGHT=58 ALT=""></TD>
<TD ROWSPAN=2><div align=right><IMG SRC="/forum/images/Blackhawk_Eagle.jpg" WIDTH=173 HEIGHT=77 ALT=""></div></TD>
<TD><IMG SRC="/forum/images/Col3_Row2_Col1.jpg" WIDTH=77 HEIGHT=19 ALT=""></TD>
<TD><IMG SRC="/forum/images/Col3_Row2_Col2.jpg" WIDTH=51 HEIGHT=19 ALT=""></TD>
<TD><IMG SRC="/forum/images/Col3_Row2_Col3.jpg" WIDTH=71 HEIGHT=19 ALT=""></TD>
<TD COLSPAN=6 background="/forum/images/bar_bg.jpg" height=16 width="100%" class="hbar"></TD>
My problem is this:
Where you see the ><IMG SRC="/forum/images/Col3_Row2_Col1.jpg" WIDTH=77 HEIGHT=19 ALT="">,<IMG SRC="/forum/images/Col3_Row2_Col2.jpg" WIDTH=77 HEIGHT=19 ALT="">, and <IMG SRC="/forum/images/Col3_Row2_Col3.jpg" WIDTH=77 HEIGHT=19 ALT="">, I want to substitute with:
<TD width="100%" height=19 COLSPAN=3 background="/forum/images/BG_Spacer.jpg" class="topfill"></TD> The BG_Spacer image is 1 pixel wide by 19 px high. I want it as a background repeat to span the three columns, so that I can have text links with those cells. This will make maintenance much easier. However when I replace the IMG SRC pieces with <TD width="100%" height=19 COLSPAN=3 background="/forum/images/BG_Spacer.jpg" class="topfill"></TD>, the result is my header table gets messed up.
My bg.css code is:
.hbar {
BACKGROUND-POSITION: left; BACKGROUND-IMAGE:url(/forum/images/bar_bg.jpg); BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat
.stretch {
BACKGROUND-POSITION: left; BACKGROUND-IMAGE:url(/forum/images/pixel_stretch.jpg); BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x
.topfill {
BACKGROUND-POSITION: left; BACKGROUND-IMAGE:url(/forum/images/BG_Spacer.jpg); BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x
Hopefully I've managed to give you enough information to explain my problem. Thanks for any suggestions.....it could be there is a better way to do what I'm trying to do....Thanks to all!