I first made a form with a repeat region, and used this code to make a nice list of the repeated textboxes (name textboxex=t1):
Dim list
for i=1 to Request.Form("t1").Count
list = list & Request.Form("t1")(i)
this worked fine, but now i have added an attachment function. With this function I can`t use Request.Form but have to use UploadRequest.Item("t1").Item("Value")
How can I make the same code as Request.Form but with UploadRequest?
This doesn`t work.
(Dim list
for i=1 to UploadRequest.Item("t1").Item("Value").Count
list = list & UploadRequest.Item("t1").Item("Value")(i)
Wonderful!! I have made a nice list of the repeated textboxes, i'm looking forward to seeing your better skills about this!
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