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  Javascript validation  DoctorGonzo at 15:00 on Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Hi All,

Struggling somewhat here. I use the following code on a form (which works)

function SubmitDocument(){
var frm=document.forms[0];
if(frm.QuestionSeventeen.value=="") {
alert("Please enter your postcode");
return false;

This is fine, because QuestionSeventeen is a text field. However, I have a number of radio and checkbox values on my form which I need to make sure are not NULL.

I want to make this more efficient and not use LOTS of these nested IFs.

i.e., does anyone have any code that will check firstly specified text fields, then radio buttons, then checkboxes in a more efficient manner?

I'd appreciate any help, as I couldn't seem to find a solution like this in the archive here.

Many thanks,


Res Ipsa Loquitur

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