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  Layer filter called by Javascript  ranger at 00:48 on Friday, January 14, 2005

Hi there,

I have a hidden layer (a gif image), as follows:
<div id="1" style="position:absolute; left:2px; top:2px; visibility:hidden;"><img src="/forum//image.gif"></div>

The image becomes visible by passing the mouse cursor over a text, by calling a javascript function:
....." OnMouseOut="hide_layer('1');" OnMouseOver="showFilter('1');">

The show_layer / hide_layer function are:

<script language="JavaScript">
function show_layer(lname)
document.layers[lname].visibility = 'show'
document.all(lname).style.visibility = 'visible'

function hide_layer(lname)
if (document.layers)
document.layers[lname].visibility = 'hide'
document.all(lname).style.visibility = 'hidden'
// -->

It works fine, but I want my image to come up gradually, by using the filter:

If anybody knows how the "show_layer" function can be modified so that the filter works, please teach me.

Thanks a lot.

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