I am a HTML novice...
I have a tdc that I can use in a table, and it works.
I want to use the actual data from the tdc (to generate a report which shows more detail than is in the table, and the details to include depend on the data itself...)
I have found:
mySet = mytdc.recorset;
but I cannot figure out a way to get at the data without the
#datasrc= datafld=, and I don't know how to use those to get the info into my variables.
Thanks! (I need another advil...)
John Piepgrass
John, can you provide more of an example of what you want to accomplish? This sounds like a classic master/detail data relationship. If I'm understanding correctly, you have a page on which you display some "master" data--in a table format? I'm not familiar with a "tdc", are you using an XML data island embedded within the page?
When a person clicks on a master row (or perhaps a column within that master row), you'd like the detail data associated with that row to be displayed. Correct?
How do you want the detail data displayed? In a seperate table format on the same page? Perhaps below the master table?
Since you posted this in the javascript forum, I'm assuming server-side scripting is not an option? i.e. we can't use ASP or PHP, etc.? A typical master/detail scenario involves a round trip to the server. The user clicks a master row, the page submits, then the server-side script looks up the detail data for that row, then displays the master data plus the applicable detail data back to the user. If instead, all the processing must be done client-side using javascript, then how big is the data? You'll have to send ALL the data to the browser. This is not a decent option unless your entire data set is small.
I ought to mention I only intend to use this on my local machine. The people I will send it to will actually be generating their own data.
The data is in a TDC object (tabualar data control) and is exracted from a csv file. A mock csv file looks like:
I would include some of the html, but I don't know how I would have to change it to post here. I would love for you to look at my code, can I send it directly to you?
You are correct: I have a table, and when you click on a row, details are to be given. I just need to be able to show the details. In a popup window is fine. In a table below the main table is fine. Even a whole lot of detail tables that the main table links to is fine.
Thanks a lot
John Piepgrass