"Image Toolbar" is a IE6+ specific feature designed to facilitate the handling of images on your site. As a user moves his mouse over an image on your page in IE6, a rectangular toolbar pops up, allowing for the instant saving, printing, and emailing of it. As the publisher, you may wish to disable this feature, so your site's images are not so readily exposed to manipulation.
This is the highly requested IE 5 script that allows your surfers to set your site as their default homepage simply with a click of the mouse! Before IE 5 came out, surfers would have to manually reconfigure their browser's options to point their default homepage to a new one. Not any more! Increase your site's popularity and exposure as surfers are directed to your homepage each time they launch their browsers, painlessly!
If you've been looking all over the web for a script that allows your surfers to easily add your site to their bookmark (favorites) list in IE, well, your search is over. The below script creates a link that, when clicked on, adds the specified page to the surfer's bookmark list.
You've undoubtedly seen the below image on some sites on the net while surfing around...it allows a surfer to add a site to his/her channel bar in IE 4+. Well, with the below script, you can allow your surfers to do just the same with your site! Not exactly useful, but "cool" to have.
A script that tests the surfer's screen size, and if it's not a certain size (ie: 800*600), suggests to the surfer to change resolution. Note: If you're screen resolution is 800*600, you will see nagging message appear below, since the resolution set to detect in the script is currently 800*600.
This much requested script by Robert redirects users to four different pages, depending on his monitor screen resolution (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, other). Functional in all 4th+ generation browsers, including NS 6
JavaScript password scripts have improved substantially over time, with the latest enhancement being an encrypted password, archived using "fuzzy" algorithms. The result are password scripts that won't crumble as soon as the user views the page's source. Use this script to password protect your webpage; based on a simple yet effective encryption method, it's one of the best of its kind.
Feel like James Bond and send secret messages! This script scrambles regular text into encoded form using your selected "key." Recipients must then possess the key to be able to decipher the message. Great fun, with one practical use to send out encrypted emails to your friends.
Scramble the source of any chunk of code, or the entire webpage, using this creative script. The encrypted code will still be interpreted properly by the browser, just difficult for us humans to read
A simple script that allows your visitors to easily add your site to their favorites list in IExplorer. This script uses the javascript:window.external.AddFavorite tag
With this script you can set a cookie which displays the "Add to Favorites" bookmark window after a certain number of days (a week in this example). Netscape users are prompted with an alert message instead.
This DHTML cookie script asks the user for his/her name and stores the input in a cookie. It then welcomes the user each time he/she accesses the page.
This is a cross browser DHTML script that will prevent the default right menu from popping up when the right mouse is clicked on the web page. Use it to stop surfers from easily saving your web page, viewing its source, or lifting images off your site when using either IE 4+ or NS 4+. Definitely useful for many site owners...
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