ASP FilesystemObject by Jeff Anderson
An introduction to the Filesystemobject |
ASP GetTempName by Jeff Anderson
Use the GetTempName method to create a randomly generated temporary file on the server. |
ASP Format Date and Time Script by Jeff Anderson
An ASP script showing the variety of date and time formats possible using the FormatDateTime Function. |
ASP OpenTextFile by Jeff Anderson
An introduction to the OpenTextFile Method of the FileSystemObject |
Email validation using Regular Expression by Jeff Anderson
Using regular expression syntax is an exellent way to thoroughly validate an email. It's possible in ASP. |
Add or Subtract Hours in SQL or ASP using DateAdd by Jeff Anderson
A beginners guide to using the SQL DATEADD function to add or subtract hours. Particularly useful when setting the time displayed on the ASP page to a different time zone (eg when the server is in the US, and the site is for a UK audience). |
The asp:radiobutton and asp:radiobuttonlist control by David Sussman, et al
In HTML, radio buttons are used when we need to make multiple sets of choices available, but we want the user to select only one of them. |
The asp:checkbox and asp:checkboxlist control by David Sussman, et al
Checkboxes are similar to radio buttons, and in HTML, they were used to allow multiple choices from a group of buttons. |
ASP FileExists by Jeff Anderson
An introduction to the FileExistsMethod of the FileSystemObject |
Concatenate strings in sql by Jeff Anderson
A brief introduction to concatenating strings in an sql query (using SQL server or access databases). |