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ASP Format Date and Time Script
Article by: |
Jeff Anderson ( 1362 ) (2/27/2002) |
An ASP script showing the variety of date and time formats possible using the FormatDateTime Function. |
Viewed: 766620 times |
Rating (221 votes): |
4.3 out of 5 |
ASP has a very handy inbuild function called FormatDateTime().
Let's start with the now() function to get the current date and time into a variable
dim todaysDate
Now we can use the FormatDateTime function to format our date variable in a variety of ways.
First let's see how todaysDate appears :
Response.write todaysDate
RESULT: 2/6/2015 2:09:13 AM
Using 0 - the vbGeneralDate format creates a date as short date (if included), and time as long time.
Response.write FormatDateTime(todaysDate,0)
RESULT: 2/6/2015 2:09:13 AM
Using 1 - the vbLongDate shows the date as long date
Response.write FormatDateTime(todaysDate,1)
RESULT: Friday, February 06, 2015
Using 2 - the vbShortDate shows the date as short date
Response.write FormatDateTime(todaysDate,2)
RESULT: 2/6/2015
Using 3 - the vbLongTime format shows the time as long time .
Response.write FormatDateTime(todaysDate,3)
RESULT: 2:09:13 AM
Using 4 - the vbShortTime format creates the current time in 24 format (hh:mm)
Response.write FormatDateTime(todaysDate,4)
RESULT: 02:09
International Date and Time
You can use the session.lcid property to change the formatting of the date and time.
For example <%session.lcid=2057%> will set the date and time to UK format (DD/MM/YYYY instead of MM/DD/YYYY )
Here's a list of international locales. Bear in mind that setting these will also change currency formatting.
Locale ID (LCID) |
Description |
1033 |
General Unicode |
33280 |
Binary Order |
1027 |
Catalan |
197636 |
Chinese Bopomofo (Taiwan) |
2052 |
Chinese Punctuation |
133124 |
Chinese Stroke Count |
1028 |
Chinese Stroke Count (Taiwan) |
1050 |
Croatian |
1029 |
Czech |
1043 |
Dutch |
1061 |
Estonian |
1036 |
French |
66615 |
Georgian Modern |
1031 |
German |
66567 |
German Phone Book |
1038 |
Hungarian |
66574 |
Hungarian Technical |
1039 |
Icelandic |
1040 |
Italian |
1041 |
Japanese |
66577 |
Japanese Unicode |
1042 |
Korean |
66578 |
Korean Unicode |
1062 |
Latvian |
1063 |
Lithuanian |
1071 |
FYRO Macedonian |
1044 |
Norwegian/Danish |
1045 |
Polish |
1046 |
Portuguese |
1048 |
Romanian |
1051 |
Slovak |
1060 |
Slovenian |
1034 |
Spanish (Traditional) |
3082 |
Spanish (Spain) |
1053 |
Swedish/Finnish |
1054 |
Thai |
2057 |
UK English |
1058 |
Ukrainian |
1066 |
Adding and Subtracting Dates and Times
For more information about adding and subtracting dates and times, see our ASP DateAdd article.
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